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Preview - Boulder Physics
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Length: 05:00 | Jul 19, 2009

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Length: 00:42 | Aug 11, 2009

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?? 2
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Preview - Boulder Physics - More Info
Made by: DroidFreak36 on Sep 29, 2016
Length: 01:50 -- Views: 1776 -- Game: HATPC

Not final, but working boulder physics that cascades in a similar way to vanilla HATPC. That user level at the end was Chaos Theory by jebby... and my game crashed at the end. I don't think it was the game's fault though, I was running it in GameMaker: Studio Runner and that tends to crash randomly regardless of what my game does. It doesn't crash like that in HTML5 (or when compiled for Windows).
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Saturday, October 1 2016, 11:44 am EST
Interguild Founder

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I felt like I was in a nightclub with the boulder sounds at the end. Very impressive. What's the algorithm for boulder cascading?
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Saturday, October 1 2016, 12:57 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

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There's a function called "scr_cascade_check(i, j)" that checks if the specified position contains a boulder which should cascade:


//var i = argument[0]
//var j = argument[1]
cascleft = false
cascright = false

if(global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1]] = 17)
    if(global.tiles[argument[0], argument[1]] != 0)
        if(tile_get_background(global.tiles[argument[0], argument[1]]) = bbg_boulder)
            if(global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1]] = 17)
                if((global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] - 1] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] - 1], 3] = -2) && (global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] - 1], 3] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] - 1], 3] = -2 || global.tiles[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] - 1] = 0))
                    var tmp = instance_create(argument[1] * 32 + 16, argument[0] * 32 + 16, global.block_data[17, 11])
                    tile_delete(global.tiles[argument[0], argument[1]])
                    global.tiles[argument[0], argument[1]] = 0
                    cascleft = true
                if((global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] + 1] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] + 1], 3] = -2) && (global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] + 1], 3] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] + 1], 3] = -2 || global.tiles[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] + 1] = 0))
                        var tmp = instance_create(argument[1] * 32 + 16, argument[0] * 32 + 16, global.block_data[17, 11])
                        tile_delete(global.tiles[argument[0], argument[1]])
                        global.tiles[argument[0], argument[1]] = 0
                    cascright = true
        var tmp = collision_point(argument[1] * 32 + 16, argument[0] * 32 + 16, obj_boulder, false, true)
        if(tmp != noone)
            if(tmp.fallstate < 2 && !tmp.rolling)
                if(global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1]] = 17)
                    if((global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] - 1] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] - 1], 3] = -2) && (global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] - 1], 3] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] - 1], 3] = -2 || global.tiles[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] - 1] = 0))
                        cascleft = true
                        tmp.fallstate = 0
                    if((global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] + 1] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] + 1], 3] = -2) && (global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] + 1], 3] = 0 || global.block_data[global.blocks[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] + 1], 3] = -2 || global.tiles[argument[0] + 1, argument[1] + 1] = 0))
                        cascright = true
                        tmp.fallstate = 0
        global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] - 1] = 17
        tmp.rolling = true
        tmp.dir = -1
        scr_cascade_check(argument[0] - 1, argument[1] + 1)
            global.blocks[argument[0], argument[1] + 1] = 17
            tmp.rolling = true
            tmp.dir = 1
            scr_cascade_check(argument[0] - 1, argument[1] - 1)

Basically, if the position contains a boulder tile or a boulder that's waiting to fall, it checks whether the criteria to cascade are met (boulder below, free space to one side or the other) and defaults to cascading left if both directions are available. Boulders are prevented from cascading into the same spot as other boulders by the making them occupy both positions in global.blocks[i, j] while they are rolling.

Then scr_cascade_check() is called whenever a position would normally get updated (such as when a falling object falls past it).

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
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Saturday, October 1 2016, 1:00 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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In case you're wondering, the key I use for keeping track of blockIDs, block properties, and collision types is:

1  x                                       terrain
2  b                                       wood crate
3  K                                       metal crate
4  ^                                       arrow
5  <                                       arrow
6  V                                       arrow
7  >                                       arrow
8  /                                       dynamite wood
9  |                                       dynamite metal
10 [                                       left platform
11 =                                       platform
12 ]                                       right platform
13 L                                       life
14 G                                       gem
15 +                                       treasure
16 "                                       ladder
17 o                                       boulder
18 w                                       stalactite
19 m                                       stalagmite
20 z                                       secret
21 #                                       hannah
22 D                                       door
23 1                                       bird
24 2                                       monkey
25 3                                       skull
26 4                                       ghost
27 5                                       skeleton
28 .                                       air pocket
29 t                                       tap
30 ~                                       water level
31 n                                       tut up
32 (                                       tut left
33 u                                       tut down
34 )                                       tut right
35 '                                       steel arrow up
36 {                                       steel arrow left
37 ,                                       steel arrow down
38 }                                       steel arrow right

Array columns:
0 - Destructible (T/F)
1 - Falls (T/F)
2 - Foreground (T/F)
3 - Collision Type (-2 through 4)
4 - Fall Sound (soundID)
5 - Wooden (T/F)
6 - Sprite (bbg)
7 - xoffset
8 - yoffset
9 - width
10- height
11- Associated object

Collision types:
-2 - Spike
-1 - Destroyed by collision, no knockback
 0 - No collision
 1 - Collision from above only
 2 - Standard solid collision
 3 - Boulder
 4 - Destroyed by collision, knockback

EDIT: And this is the INI file used to populate block_data[]

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
aych bee
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Saturday, October 1 2016, 4:15 pm EST
when i am king

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in my opinion your physics are better than the actual hatpc physics.

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Sunday, October 2 2016, 7:16 pm EST
~Jack of all trades~

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Does the boulder falling through ground glitch currently work?

It's sort of hard to understand whether what we see in Chaos Theory is what we want. The leftmost culumn for example - why didn't it fall to the right for so long? When you take a treasure, the one above it falls immediately. Why the difference? is there a set of rules for what happens first, and/or an amount of maximal stuff that happen in the same time?

also, is there a priority for left/right/top boulder to fall to the same spot - as per level tut3?

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Monday, October 3 2016, 12:57 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Does the boulder falling through ground glitch currently work?

No, and I'm not currently planning on implementing it.

The leftmost culumn for example - why didn't it fall to the right for so long?

I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to. If you're talking about that one vertical tower that didn't cascade, that's due to a glitch (which I still haven't nailed down) where falling boulders can "land" on spikes while still staying in the falling state. I have also changed boulder behavior since then so that boulders which land on other falling boulders will actually cascade, so it doesn't currently form towers that tall, although the original glitch is still there.

When you take a treasure, the one above it falls immediately. Why the difference? is there a set of rules for what happens first, and/or an amount of maximal stuff that happen in the same time?

Unlike in the original HATPC, there is no limit to how many operations get processed in one tick. In the original game, Chaos Theory's physics grind to a halt as the queue for falling objects filled up, but in my version, the physics still progresses at normal speed. So grabbing treasures causes the boulders to respond instantaneously - often to deadly effect.

also, is there a priority for left/right/top boulder to fall to the same spot - as per level tut3?

What do you mean? In terms of directional biases, a boulder which can cascade in either direction will always choose left, and if two boulders both want to cascade into the same spot, the one on the left will generally win.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
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Monday, October 3 2016, 7:13 am EST
~Jack of all trades~

Age: 31
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@last one:
imagine this

I hit the box. which boulder moves?

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Monday, October 3 2016, 11:01 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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Do you mean which of the 3 boulders will go through that spot in the middle first? The order would be left, right, top. Top has to have last priority for the second cascade part in tutorial level 3 to work - all the boulders cascading have to take priority over the treasure falling.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page

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