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I'm starting a new series of blog posts called "State of the Interguild", in which I explore various topics about the Interguild. Sometimes I will analyze complicated problems we face, while other times I may comment on an observation, or maybe discuss the site's future and where we are headed.

I've had a vague idea for this series for some time now, and as my first post, I will explore an idea I got while writing this week's weekly update. What happened was that I realized that I had spent the last two weeks actively participating in the community a lot, which in turn meant that I was neglecting all the technical work I hoped to achieve this summer. I then began thinking of how I could better manage my time so that I participate in the community more while also working on more things for the site.

I have to balance my time between programming, keeping up with the community, and making sure the website is successful in terms of design, advertising, growth, usability, etc. So the common sense solution to this workload is to get more manpower, and that's where the staff is supposed to come in. The reason why the staff has so many staff powers is so that they could maintain the community while I focused on the technical stuff. However, the staff has proven to not always be so reliable, and there are some things that I just end up doing better myself.

But if I am to acquire the manpower necessary to achieve the Interguild's goals, I realized that what I need isn't to give staff members small responsibilities around the site, or to make things more self-sufficient. What I need is someone that I can depend on to actually run the site.

What if I taught one or more of you how to edit the site and even how to make pages for it? It really isn't that hard. I bet you could learn HTML and PHP in just one day. I think you guys always overestimate how complicated this stuff is, and you underestimate what you can do. And just think what it would be like if the site didn't have to rely on me for everything. We could get more things done around here and still have more time for Aeon. And if the site really does become dependent on you the same way that it depends on me, we could split what little ad money the site makes--I think last month, the Interguild made around $6 USD.

I'm not sure if I would trust many non-staffers with such a responsibility, but the offer is still there. Comment if you're interested.  
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Sunday, July 4 2010, 11:16 pm EST

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I'm not a staff member, but I find myself on the site a lot and nobody else is on. I probably couldn't tackle any big stuff, but any drone-like tasks or stuff with instructions I could handle. I feel I don't really contribute to the progression of the site, so you can pretty much guilt me into doing anything.

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Sunday, July 4 2010, 11:38 pm EST

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Hey, what do you recommend training in?
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Monday, July 5 2010, 8:49 am EST
~Jack of all trades~

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woah, that's some kick-ass idea. i wonder how nobody thought of it earlier.

well, I assume you could guess my comment about this. I would gladly help you here; I'm very interested in studying these subjects, but, as you know I'm really busy in real-life. it's the tests time in here; I have 6 more physics/math tests to have in the coming month.. So I won't be able to help much. i do have some free time, but i use it for other stuff, and also for making a walkthrough vid

so uh, my suggestion is that you publish some links that include the PHP and HTML stuff that we need to learn, and if i hvae some time, i'll check it out. others will also be able to use this, of course.

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Monday, July 5 2010, 3:09 pm EST

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yeah you need quite a bit of extra time for this stuff. I'm not sure how useful you'd be shos. But you don't have to be the only one trying to do this, either.

they have some really good and fast tutorials for learning HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, and other things. I suggest learning those languages in that order. Also, don't feel like you have to memorize them, or extensively learn them. You'll probably be going back to the guides for reference anyway.

Speaking of reference, here are some good reference sites:
http://php.net/ (I use these guys so much that I added them to my search bar in FF)

As far as programs go, Notepad++ is really good and free: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ I would also help if you had a decent image editor just in case you end up making images (I don't really know what MS Paint can do, I tried it once and couldn't do anything with it, lol).

And then after you're at least familiar in those languages, I can start teaching you how the site is coded, and how to make your own pages and forms in it and reference the database and everything. I may start you out on a limited FTP and database accounts, but if you prove yourself, you could eventually gain full access.

And I'm not interested in people doing drone work. I could use someone who devotes their time to keeping up with the site and maintaining the featured content and weekly updates.
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Monday, July 5 2010, 6:33 pm EST

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//I made this post before, but I changed a few things, so I'm re-posting it and deleting the old one//
here's a new job I'd like to offer:

Job name: Chief Community Organizer

Job description: In charge of updating featured content and writing weekly updates. Job may or may not evolve into being relied on for comp-judging or even starting comps.

Job requirements:
-Be here often. Like almost everyday, or almost every other day.
-Keep up with the latest levels, and try them all (or almost all of them). This isn't so bad, because sometimes I find myself having to force myself to stop playing new levels in order to work on things.
-Have a good image editor program, and maybe be able to edit images together like how make the SMF screenshots.
-Be creative. Don't get stuck in a routine. Always think of ways to make the featured content better and how to make the weekly updates better or different.
-Be reliable and dependable. And if you can't be here for times, notify in advance.

Job perks:
-admission into the staff, if non-staff member
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Monday, July 5 2010, 7:07 pm EST

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imtimi is now the community organizer, and has been added to the staff! Let's see how he does on his first week on the job.
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Monday, July 5 2010, 8:12 pm EST
~Jack of all trades~

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Congratz timi, and good luck!

and livio, that post was useful. after i finish some of the stuff i'm busy doing lately, and when i'm not studying for my tests, i'm gonna check it out.

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Monday, July 5 2010, 8:52 pm EST

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So, what's open now? Toliet cleaning?
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Monday, July 5 2010, 8:57 pm EST

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programming. I'm not sure how reliable shos will turn out to be, but also that the more people working on the site, the more we can theoretically get done, assuming we don't all trip over each other. Or that it leads to some huge security risk...

but i'm not sure if I'll trust you with programming, jazz.
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Monday, July 5 2010, 9:01 pm EST

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Lol, there's a good reason why not to trust me.

By the way, why is midnight a staff member?
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Monday, July 5 2010, 9:04 pm EST

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ask jell? I was wondering the same thing a while ago
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Monday, July 5 2010, 9:16 pm EST
~Jack of all trades~

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Livio, I'm gonna be quite busy the near future(gf stuff >_< ), so i may only be able to start studying those around the 13-14th of July. then, at the 15th i have a test in complex functions, and then i go with my friends to a vac till the 19th. then i'll have some time for more of these stuff, and then i have more tests on the 25th, 26th, 4th and 5th of august, and then summer semester(yuck!), so... in terms of reliability:

Lim  reliability(shos,t)=0

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Monday, July 5 2010, 9:26 pm EST

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'Livio' said:

So basically toliet cleaning, then.
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Monday, July 5 2010, 9:30 pm EST

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'shos' said:
Lim  reliability(shos,t)=0
I knew you were unreliable, but that's worse than I expected.

Maybe CSD would be interested, but his internet stinks.
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Monday, July 5 2010, 11:01 pm EST

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Pfft programming, I'm out. Alert me if you need anything simpler done.

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
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Tuesday, July 6 2010, 4:57 am EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

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I would apply, but I know myself. You would probably get more done by hiring a monkey.

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Tuesday, July 6 2010, 6:41 pm EST

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'shos' said:
Lim  reliability(shos,t)=0
wait a minute, as time approaches zero?
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Tuesday, July 6 2010, 7:14 pm EST

Age: 31
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First off--LOL it would be impossible to learn PHP and HTML in one day. Though simple in terms of syntax and logic, learning how to actually do things is very difficult. Try mastering a new language someday. You won't get it down in a week. Or a month. Or three months.

Anyways, though I am not interested in being a co-administrator, I would happily help with some other things, mainly programming and design. As you are aware, I have extensive skills in XHTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL databases. I could definitely help out!

Let me know if you are interested in my help. I know I haven't been around too long, but I can help with the small things too. Just ask.

NP Username: xaantan
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Tuesday, July 6 2010, 8:25 pm EST

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You don't need to master the language, just know where to look things up when you need it.

anyway, you don't have to be a co-admin as long as you help make features for the site. In fact, you already made a ton of stuff for your site, so you could easily help with this one. For example, we could really use a better PM system, one that keeps track of PM's as if they were in topics, instead of just showing you the PM that is being replied to. We could also use a new video archive....

so yeah, I'll PM you about it...
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Tuesday, July 6 2010, 8:45 pm EST
~Jack of all trades~

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'Livio' said:
'shos' said:
Lim  reliability(shos,t)=0
wait a minute, as time approaches zero?
yes, but in months.

I do think that learning the basics+ of a new language shouldn't take more than a day. in a good day i can study a small university course, so it shouldn't be much of a problem, assuming that anyone in a community like this isn't just the normal and average person.

and uh, can you add your site's add to your profile or something? I couldn't find it there and i don't remember seeing it.

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Tuesday, July 6 2010, 8:48 pm EST

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http://www.apollomix.com - it's about music, mostly videogame music
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Thursday, July 8 2010, 6:07 pm EST

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'I' said:
I think last month, the Interguild made around $6 USD.
we're improving! In June the Interguild made $12 USD!
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Thursday, July 8 2010, 6:09 pm EST

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Atleast most of the weird ads have gone away like the Goth Dating Site .

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Thursday, July 8 2010, 6:13 pm EST

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'Yaya' said:
Atleast most of the weird ads have gone away like the Goth Dating Site .
Just by saying that, you're liable to bring it back, lol.
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Thursday, July 8 2010, 6:22 pm EST

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'canadianstickdeath' said:
'Yaya' said:
Atleast most of the weird ads have gone away like the Goth Dating Site .
Just by saying that, you're liable to bring it back, lol.
and just by quoting it, you're increasing our chances! what are you thinking csd?!

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