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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:36 pm EST

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I actually loled at bmw's post
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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:37 pm EST

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I just don't like the idea.  We can pretty much do all that in the object editor, to an extent.  And most people probably won't care if some random member makes a like-Aeon game.

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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:39 pm EST

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Why on earth, Livio?

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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:40 pm EST

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anyway, I can't remember, were you for or against the custom object editor? Anyway, this looks like a great compromise for the custom object controversy.
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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:43 pm EST

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I was against it, to an extent.

Quoteth my post:

'Bmwsu' said:
'Livio' said:

gravity direction - either up [which will be only for upward-falling-mode objects] or down
object weight - how fast the object falls in whichever direction it's falling
in-water weight - how fast does it sink or float in water?
recoil - the amount of distance a tile pushes you back when you collide with it. Each side will have its own recoil properties, b/c objects with a top-recoil of zero let you stand on them.
tile image - you'd be able to alter the image of the tile, by either simply changing the color of an in-game tile image, or by uploading your own image (we'll moderate this, of course). I'm also wondering if I can make something where you can make your own image by matching different in-game images together. Because I imagine that we'd have one image for the simple wooden crate, and then when the game instantiates a wooden arrow, for example, it'd simply call up the wooden crate pic and slap on an arrow pic on it too. It'd save file size, and the level maker could take advantage of how this will be coded and let people mix as many of the games images as they'd like, and it'd save overall server space as well as be easy to moderate.
hit-test regions - I'm not sure if I'll let people change this, but the possibility exists, nonetheless. Maybe it's better suited for custom images.

Arrow-Specific Customizations:
Arrow speed - the speed of the arrows that are fired
Magnitude of Impact - the most simple ways of changing this is to specify if it's a bomb arrow or not. OR you can type in what the radius of its impact should be.
Custom Arrow Projectile - I just got this crazy idea right now, though. Make you own custom object that is fired out of an arrow. It'll let you pick or make the graphic and its hit regions.

Dynamite-Specific Customizations:
Scale of Explosions - how big the explosions are
Explosion graphic - how the explosion looks like. Like the other custom image options, you can either draw your own or change the colors of existing images.
Dynamite Launcher Options: (which will also include options mentioned above)
Gravity + Horizontal Speed - two options so that you can alter the path of the dynamite as it travels.
Custom Dynamite Projectile - like the custom arrow projectile mentioned above, but it has dynamite properties.

Water Taps and Drains:
...but you can also take the time to insert your own numerical speed.
"Water Crust":
Appearance options - such as if its a graphic, or a solid color, its opacity, etc.
Water Level:
Foreground vs Background - if you want all water to be on its own plane, unaffected by terrain or other stuff.

THE PLAYER: (basically the character that the user controls when they play your level)
Run Speed - how fast the player moves
Jump Speed + Fall Speed + Jump-to-fall deceleration Change these to create different effects of weight, as well as to change the overall jump height of the character. Of course we may make separate presets of these since it does require a bit of testing to get these to work the way you want to.
Custom Characters - The ability to create your own custom character in the game. You can either import images that you have drawn and animated in other programs, or use existing images with color changes and stuff.
Hit Regions The parts of the character that respond to collision detection, mainly good for custom characters. Will have separate regions for crawling.

All of these, I {MEGA REJECT!

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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:46 pm EST

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well, the current idea is to just make a regular Aeon with none of that stuff, and then try making kind of game-maker program with all of those options. that is, if we ever get to building such a thing.
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Saturday, November 28 2009, 5:57 pm EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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Lol, Bmwsu, don't they teach you rhetoric/arguing at home?

Your opinion is pretty much useless if you don't post any thought behind it. That's why Livio said he loled at your post, because of the absolute lack of information in it while being proceeded by arguments and thoughts.
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Saturday, November 28 2009, 6:21 pm EST

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It sounds pretty cool actually, but wouldn't it be confusing with everybody having their own game? I don't know honestly, but it could work. Like Isa said, as long as we make a game I'll be content.

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Saturday, November 28 2009, 8:50 pm EST

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yeah it would be confusing and very challenging to pull off right, but I'm willing to not include Custom Objects in Aeon because of the possibility that we might one day try this new idea out.
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 12:30 am EST

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What? Jell's idea? Haven't I been saying this all along? I dunno... maybe it just never got through. So we've got two options. The first is to make Aeon, a game with only a simple level editor like HATPC, and then make a platformer maker. Option 2 is to make this platformer maker, and make Aeon using it.

I can't help but feel the way Livio has been using the work "engine" is off.

A game engine is a software system designed for the creation and development of video games.
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 12:40 am EST

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lol I just looking for the right word to call whatever a "game" should be. I even kept changing the word in the last couple of posts too.

and all this time I thought the idea to make two different games would be to make two Aeons, one with and one without the CO thing. but to make a platformer maker is way cooler.
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 12:53 am EST

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A third option could be to make Aeon, and then, with the platformer maker, put a version of Aeon in with it, remade with the platformer maker. Hell, include HATPC and HATIC while you're at it?

And of course, what people can do it make their own games (we need a good word for that, don't we...), but not include any levels or anything like that. Sort-of like a template, so you don't have to make all the graphics and everything yourself.

"Platforms"? Nah...
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 1:17 am EST

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And of course, what people can do it make their own games (we need a good word for that, don't we...), but not include any levels or anything like that. Sort-of like a template, so you don't have to make all the graphics and everything yourself.
yeah, that's the idea. where you make your own game/engine/template/"platform" that other people can then use to make levels with. For example, we could probably use the program to make HATIC levels out of a HATIC game/engine/template/"platform" if we wanted (it's a good thing we don't).
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 1:18 am EST

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but wait, that's an interesting idea. Make the program first, and use that to make Aeon. It would certainly save time in the long run, but would you guys be willing to wait for such a thing?
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 8:40 am EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

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Would it be possible to have this give you a AS3 code for the game, to upload it elsewhere? Or would that be too complicated.

Like, I use this Platformer Maker to make Hannah and the Jelly Caves. Could it give me a AS3 code for HatJC, so I can upload to Kongregate or something, or will it only be possible to play using Platfomer Maker on this site?

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Sunday, November 29 2009, 8:09 pm EST

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hmm, jell you have a point. The game maker would be built to handle any game that you can build from it. Theoretically, we could upload all the game-maker's files with the necessary settings specified to make it run Aeon, but that would result in a TON of unnecessary code. But then again, I could just split up all the code into several files and then upload only the files that are needed. It would result in making not just Aeon, but all of the games make with the game-maker much faster to load and more efficient.

But in the end, Aeon would probably be more efficiently coded if it was programmed specifically for what it needs to do, rather than to run it off of a game-maker program which takes into account a ton of variables that will most likely never change if all it needs to do is run Aeon.

But then again, we really can't tell how big of a difference it would be if we coded Aeon first, or if we made Aeon run off of the game-maker system, especially because we have no idea how efficient I can make such a thing be.

And aside from saving time in the long run, there's also another advantage to making Aeon out of the Game-Maker system: like all games made with the program, you may be able to tweak the Aeon engine to your liking and add customization options that weren't originally included in the game itself. For example, if the game maker included an option to make the player have the ability to fly and shoot missiles, you could theoretically go in and make an Aeon level where you fly around and shoot missiles, even if it's totally irrelevant to what the game was intended for.

So I really don't know what our best route would be. Or actually, if we think commercially here, if we get Aeon out faster, it could give us more members faster, but then that might give me less time to work on the game-maker itself, which may produce more creative content and therefore members than Aeon ever will..... lol maybe we should just flip a coin or something...
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 8:17 pm EST

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Let's make Aeon first?
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Sunday, November 29 2009, 8:21 pm EST

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not taking into account any of my thoughts on efficiency, time-management, and commercial strategy, I guess we should make Aeon first because we simply care about it more.

wow that was simple
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Monday, November 30 2009, 6:28 am EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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Thanks for that, now work on it.
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Monday, November 30 2009, 2:00 pm EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

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Aeon first with no costumation options, Platformer Maker second.

But I don't think you answered my question. Would it be able to give an AS3 code to let the game run as a seperate Flash application, or would it need the Platformer Maker to play? Or don't you know yet?

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Monday, November 30 2009, 4:31 pm EST
Interguild Founder

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Platformer Maker? Woah, leave that for the far future of Dreamland. If it can take your mind off this 'custom objects' thing and can get you to focus on making Aeon with 'quick and rigid' coding, then we'll all be happy. Well, I will be anyway.
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Wednesday, December 2 2009, 9:19 pm EST

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and I'm not sure about that jell. It depends on how we code it but we could theoretically make such a thing work

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