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Wednesday, December 1 2010, 10:58 am EST

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'Isa' said:
I'm 18, and I study three subjects this year. I start 13:50 and end 15:00 (usually earlier) at Mondays, I end at lunch on Tuesdays, I got free Wednesdays, I start 10:25 at Thursdays and end 13:45, and at Fridays I'm supposed to start 8:15 but nobody cares about that lesson, so instead I start off with lunch and end at 13:45.

Get at me.


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Wednesday, December 1 2010, 11:48 am EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

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I have 5 subjects this period. I have Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:45-12:30 and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:45-17:30 college. However, every of these colleges except for Tuesday/Thursday 13:45-17:30 are optional.
This week the anniversary of my study society, for which all kinds of events are planned. Today was the Game Day, which meant I was playing Unreal Tournament for the majority of the afternoon with about 10 other guys.

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Wednesday, December 1 2010, 4:32 pm EST

Age: 28
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'Livio' said:
Ever since Thanksgiving (Thursday), it's been bordering on freezing temperature here.

Wow, same here.  It's weird, actually.  We don't get almost freezing for a week straight.  It usually comes in January, too.

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Wednesday, December 1 2010, 4:53 pm EST

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In the Scottish Highlands, it reached -27 degrees celcius today. -5 or so in London.
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Friday, December 3 2010, 11:30 am EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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It's only -4 degrees over here! And it isn't snowing! Huzzah!
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Friday, December 3 2010, 2:55 pm EST

Age: 29
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SNOW!!!!1! I went into school, I cam out with an inch of snow on the ground.

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
Give me +karma. Give me +karma.
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Wednesday, December 8 2010, 7:19 pm EST

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last week was freezing, this week is warm. Arizona's weather stinks.
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Sunday, December 19 2010, 8:01 am EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

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Let me tell you a story about my Friday.

When I woke up at 8 am, the streets were completely white. About 10 cm of snow had fallen. Later that day I heard that at 6:30 am it was still completely dry. All this snow had fallen within an hour and a half.
I travel by train. This generally goes fine, even in bad weather. To give you a sense of scale, all the stations I will mention are between 5 and 10 minutes away from each other. I had the bad luck my bike's lock was frozen, so I had to take the tram to the station and I missed my original train. This isn't a big problem, as the train schedule repeats itself every 30 minutes, and I still had about 6 alternatives in that 30 minutes to reach college. Even if I am a bit late, it doesn't matter, because I always make sure I am at the university well in time, and it doesn't matter if you walk in the college room a bit late and sit in one of the back rows.
Anyway, my new route involved several transits. At first everything went fine. There were some computer problems at Utrecht (the third biggest city in the Netherlands, which lies in the center of the Netherlands and is therefor a very important node for all public transportation), but luckily I wouldn't take any trains from or to Utrecht so it didn't affect me.
I make my first transit at Schiphol. Because of some railswitch errors at Rotterdam (the second biggest city in the Netherlands), the international train in the direction of Brussels couldn't go at that time, meaning I would have to make another transit in Leiden (a city that is mostly important because of its university). But again, this wasn't a big deal. In Leiden some train cancellations were announced because of the bad weather. None in my direction, luckily, but my train was delayed a bit. Because Delft (the city of my university) isn't too big, I had to transit again at The Hague (the fourth biggest city in the Netherlands, where the government is seated). At The Hague some more cancellations were announced, this time however they were trains in my direction. But 10 minutes later another train arrived that would stop at Delft. So I arrive in Delft. As I am walking off the platform, I hear another announcement that a train has been cancelled, which was the train I just got out of and which was driving just fine, so this surprised me a bit.
As I take my first step out of the station, I get a call from one of my mates. I had one course that day, which was given by three professors. One professor was stuck in a traffic jam, one professor couldn't even make it to the highway and one professor was already busy with appointments the entire day, so the class was cancelled. I have the first snow day in my entire life, and I don't find out about it until after I have already arrived.

So me and my mates had a snowball fight, got some hot chocolate and apple pie somewhere, and I prepared for the journey back.

My usual train arrived 5 minutes, but it was still driving. I take the transit at Leiden again. 10 minutes after the train should have arrived, it is announced the train has been cancelled. Cancellations were announced pretty much constantly. 5 minutes later a different train arrives. It went to a different station in Amsterdam than I would have wanted (Amsterdam has about 8 different train stations, not counting Schiphol and the stations of the other villages which lie directly against Amsterdam), which would mean about 30 minutes more travel time, but at least I would make it home. Because of all the train cancellations this train would stop at several small stations, including a station in Amsterdam that would shave off about 10 minutes of my time, so that was lucky. By this time I had learned the busses had stopped driving because it would be too dangerous, but I the trams and subways were still driving.
At the station, the had simply given up on updating the information boards. All boards simply said "Listen to announcements". The station's hallway was completely stuffed with stranded travelers. And this station was located at the edge of Amsterdam, in the center of a fairly new business district. At the other stations in urban areas the chaos must have been far greater.
My tram was a bit late, but it was still driving. Usually the drive would take about 15 minutes, it took about an hour now. But eventually, I made it home.

And yesterday I made an igloo.

So how was your weather?

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Sunday, December 19 2010, 10:45 am EST

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Oh my Jell. That's horrible D:

I went up to the mountains yesterday, so it was snowing and we got to ride a snowmobile.

'Livio' said:
You know, I was thinking of getting an internship at Microsoft, but I'm not sure I want their lameness to rub off on me.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Sunday, December 19 2010, 10:56 am EST
Swim for your life!

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There is so much snow are food delivery didn't arrive.  

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y Oh no he's after me! http://www.interguild.org/greatlakes.gif
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Sunday, December 19 2010, 3:34 pm EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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-40 degrees in a small Swedish village.  
DeathBunni X
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Sunday, December 19 2010, 4:04 pm EST
Eww, school.

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As my 300th post, I say

Very, very cold.

My mom is using the garage as a freezer.

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Sunday, December 19 2010, 4:44 pm EST

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Europe is so snowy that all flights that have taken off are being diverted to Cyprus, because everywhere else is snowy apparrently on the whole of Europe.
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Sunday, December 19 2010, 5:58 pm EST

Karma: 313
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The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful.

At least, I imagine it would be delightful. Too bad I don't have a fireplace. I'm pretty much snowed in right now, which sucks because I ran out of medication for my cold. A friend might bring me some, but if this continues I'll probably spend Christmas Day groaning and sniffling in bed.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Sunday, December 19 2010, 6:01 pm EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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'Dando' said:
The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful.

That song's pretty nice. It's in one of our Spotify commercials for a Christmas music playlist.

I strongly disagree with the "Let it snow" part, though.
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Monday, December 20 2010, 9:02 pm EST

Age: 28
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Very wet and windy.  The best kind of weather.

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Monday, December 20 2010, 9:11 pm EST

Karma: 121
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Mrr, rainy and cloudy at first (X_x) then nice and sunny now (^_^)   Not exactly what the weatherman predicted...
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Tuesday, December 21 2010, 1:08 am EST

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Where in the country do you live silver? Because thats what happened in Motueka/Nelson today... It could just be a coincidence though.

Upcoming HatPC level: Sanctuary, coming soon to an internet browser near you...
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Tuesday, December 21 2010, 1:40 am EST

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That's right,


lame it always rains
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Tuesday, December 21 2010, 1:45 am EST

Age: 28
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Hey, over 5 days, 6 inches of rain!  They say they're breaking records up in LA.

Chance of some thunder tomorrow night and Wednesday.

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Tuesday, December 21 2010, 7:25 am EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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My friend in a small village close to Salem, OR, says that a nearby city was hit by a strong tornado recently, lots of buildings were destroyed but thankfully nobody died.
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Tuesday, December 21 2010, 4:24 pm EST

Age: 24
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Maybe around 20 centimetres of snow's gonna come this week. :I
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Wednesday, December 22 2010, 10:35 pm EST

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It was supposed to snow on Christmas here, but it looks like it's going to come about a day late, I think.

I'm still one of the few people here who doesn't hate snow. I for one would take it over just-barely-above-freezing rain any day.

spooky secret
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Wednesday, December 22 2010, 11:02 pm EST

Age: 29
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Snow-no-haters unite! Yeah, I'm hoping to get a bit more before Christmas. Right now I see about 3-4 inches in my yard, maybe 10 will do before Christmas.

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
Give me +karma. Give me +karma.
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Wednesday, December 22 2010, 11:04 pm EST

Karma: 121
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It's sunny, I'm hot, I'm bored, I'm drawing things, I'm meeeelting, I'm watching Sonic Adventure videos.

Wait, weather? Oh, it's sunny and hot and boring and I'm meeelting right now.

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