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This is something I should have made a long time ago. You know, back when I still made caves and it'd actually be useful to me. Anyway, I posted the link a little below, and I'd appreciate it if you all'd download it, play around with it, and tell me what you think. I don't want you guys to mention any potential new features just yet, I just want to know if you can find any bugs, or anything that doesn't function in the way that you would perhaps expect it to.

http://www.interguild.org/hatpc/cavemaker.zip (EDIT: You cannot trust this link to be remotely up-to-date.)
original link:

Due to a forum bug, you'll probably have to copy that and paste it into your address bar.

To run that, you'll first have to extract that all into the same folder. If you can't extract zip files, download WinRAR: http://www.win-rar.com/download.html

You'll also need to make sure you have the latest version of Java: http://www.java.com

Inside, there's a file named cavemaker.bat, which you will double-click on the run the program. A cmd window will pop up and hang around with you the whole time as you use the cavemaker. Close it, and you close the cavemaker with it, so, just ignore it for now. If it comes up and then just goes away, then you (probably) have not, either, followed these steps properly, or you do not have the latest version of java on your computer. I'm working on a way to make it stand-alone, but for now this will suffice. Also, you can make a short-cut of the .bat file (right-click create shortcut, probably) and then you can paste that into wherever you'd like to be able to open the cavemaker from. Also note that, since this was coded in java, it should be able to run on systems other than Windows. I haven't seen fungus in a while, but if you see him, direct him here so I can get that straightened out. We might have to jump through a few hoops, but it should be able to run on his mac. Update: The cavemaker program is now in a jar file. You should be able to run it by double clicking but, if not, set java as the default program from opening jar files. The .bat is still there if needed.

If you have Windows 7, check out this short topic for help: http://www.interguild.org/members/forums/topic.php?id=5124

I'm going to attempt to list some of the changes that I've made from the Neopets version. Here's what I could think of, in no particular order:

Spoiler: ''List of Changes from the Neopets Version''

So yeah, try it out, and if there's anything that gets on your nerves, let me know I'll try making changes to it. I'll work on adding new features at an unspecified point in the future. For now, I'd like to ensure that this is working properly and there's nothing about it that people just hate to death.

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 1''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 2''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 3''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 4''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 5''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 6''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 7''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 8''

Spoiler: ''Changes in Update 9 (Current Version)''
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 1:24 am EST

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Acce, undo seems to work fine. If you restart the cavemaker, does it start working again? In what way does it "not work". And no it should not say ANYTHING other than java Cavemaker. If it says something else, you run over here and paste exactly what it says. "<Unknown Source>" tells me absolutely nothing. It's the type of exception that occurred that's the most important, but if we're lucky, there'll also be a line number.

Pressing save, lol. Yeah, that's totally not a guarantee. I coded saving, remember? So, there could just as easily be a bug in saving that the overwrites your cave with garbage or causes it to not actually save, or something. Every so often, make a new copy of the text file.

And I AM getting that bug that you mentioned earlier with the undoing after opening a cave. That first edit you make after opening a cave, if you undo it, the entire opening of the cave reverts. At first I thought I was getting that bug about not being able to redo after, but I'm so sure anymore. Did mean that you couldn't redo, AT ALL, or something else? Anyway, the bug's cause is that I'm making the default cave undoable, and then loading the cave and NOT making -that- undoable. So, I guess, the undo gives you the wrong cave. It would be nice if simply calling makeUndoable() would do the trick, except, there'd be a bug where you could still undo to the default cave (except you'd be able to redo back to exactly what you loaded). I'll have to manually reset the undo if you load a cave. So anyway, it took three lines of code, but that bug should be fixed now. I won't be uploading a new version for a little while now, so you'll have to live with this one.

I changed the background color... *sigh* It was originally F0F0F0, but now it's Color.LIGHT_GRAY, the same colour as the background of the tile-select. It's still fairly light, but it's probably better than it was. I don't want it to be particularly dark..., but if you STILL hate it, then maybe I'll change it,... again.

Evan, have you downloaded the version I uploaded Friday? And what do you mean by "crashes"? What are/were you doing when this occurs?

I'm going to be working on more stuff in the near future. One thing I'd like to see is if I can get the file chooser to delete/rename files and such, and also, I wanna pretty-up the level properties window (including being able to hit enter while selecting the various components and maybe limiting the number of characters in the title box to 20). Remind me of anything that you don't like about the current version if I forget to address those issues.
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:16 am EST

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Annd everytime i saved the text file, and i click close, the cavemaker keep saying that " xxxx may have been modified. Save before exiting?"
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:19 am EST

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I already posted that that's fixed in the currently uploaded version.
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:23 am EST

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Where's the newest version of the cavemaker?
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:28 am EST

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Same link as before.
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:35 am EST

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Finally this cavemaker has a cloning unit. Its really annoying for me to edit the text after i saved the cave.
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:44 am EST

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Yeah, that's one of the main things I'm going for with this. I wanna make it so that you never have to dig out the text to get what you want, short of you wanting to write words directly into the text. Then again... maybe I'll allow that somehow? It'd require a different system than the one I'm using, though... I'll think about that another time. For now, I'm going to bed.
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:46 am EST

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Are you making it such as theres just one icon and you click it and it will open everything without all the other images file and .class thingy?
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 3:50 am EST

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Not a priority at the moment, but that is mostly possible, somehow. I'm not sure just yet about images, though. I think I'll just leave those hanging around, even if it is possible, so that you can change the images if you want, lol. But the .classes can probably go away. I think it's called a jar file? I'll look into it along with all the other things I plan to look into.
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Saturday, January 10 2009, 7:47 am EST
I am a person.

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Look, why did you place a shockwave error tile in the CaveMaker? It shouldn't have much use, except to make the player angry. Like the latest CotW winner. It should be entered in SeTW (Shockwave Error of the Week).

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Saturday, January 10 2009, 7:50 am EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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Why the hate? You've got yet to post a positive comment on this one
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Sunday, January 11 2009, 3:49 pm EST

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So, I downloaded and extracted it, and then extracted it, and then ran it, and then the window that CSD said would hang around popped up, and automatically closed in about a quarter second. Oh well.

spooky secret
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Sunday, January 11 2009, 4:11 pm EST

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Nevermind. I figured out what the problem was. I didn't have java installed, apparently.

spooky secret
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Sunday, January 11 2009, 5:42 pm EST

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Lol. Seems to be a common problem. I should have mentioned that you'd need java in order for it to run... I just figured... people had java... I mean, I come across applets all the time!... I mean, Infinite Mario Bros was coded in java!... *sigh*

I'm fixing a couple of bugs I just thought of right now, and I'll get back to you about what they were once they're fixed.
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Sunday, January 11 2009, 5:49 pm EST

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Well, I normally would, but this is a new computer. It didn't have shockwave either. And now that I've installed shockwave, whenever I open a new tab or window, it gives me an error message. Actually, I think it's a problem with google toolbar, which was installed at the same time as Shockwave.

The cavemaker is pretty good. But I forgot that you didn't have a border line, so "Fire Cave of Diarrhea: The Burn" had to be edited from it's original state.

I dunno why, but apparently dynamite on the edge of the cave didn't want to explode, and then when I made it so that the dynamite hit the bottom bar of dynomite, it went to the side dynomite and caused a shockwave error . So it was not a fun experience.

But yeah, the new cavemaker is really good. The option for save as is definately an improvement. So is the clone text, and fixing the tutorial images. Most things about this are pretty good. But you need to make it impossible to make multiple starting positions/doors...

spooky secret
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Sunday, January 11 2009, 6:08 pm EST

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I fixed the following two bugs, so if you come across them, don't report it.

- Loading/Saving caves was not properly closing the file stream, meaning you wouldn't be able to edit/delete the file that you loaded/saved until closing the cavemaker.
- Caves with a width of 0 could be loaded, even though the level properties window does not permit this. I disallowed it, but size 0 caves don't seem to crash... I may reallow it. The real bug was loading large caves, which was also still allowed. Yeah, I forgot the check the dimensions. You could probably cause an out of memory error pretty quick with this.
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Sunday, January 11 2009, 7:49 pm EST

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JFileChooser doesn't appear to support craploads of crap. There's also a bug with creating new folders in certain folders. I'm going to check on AWT's FileChooser and see what's different about that... I'm not sure, but I vaguely remember that working, but I couldn't set it to only load .txt files... I don't know, but I'll check. I'd rather delete/edit than limit selecting to text files... Hell, a cave doesn't need to actually be in a text file for it to be a cave...

You know what, I don't actually know what I'm talking about.

New feature:
- The file selector now asks you to confirm before saving over an existing file.

I identified a bug where, after successive edits, deletes, pastes, and undo/redos, the anchor's special decoration would disappear. I don't know the exact cause. I made a change that MIGHT fix the problem, but I have no idea what the cause was, so who knows. If you notice it in the next version, let me know, but not that I'm gonna lose sleep over not fixing it.
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Monday, January 12 2009, 11:06 pm EST

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OK. I set up the options menu, but I haven't made any of the options do anything yet. I'll get working on that soon. I also came across a bug where hitting enter to select an option in the menubar you trigger key events for setting tiles, so you can no longer use enter to set tiles. If you're doing that, don't get used to it. I was just hoping in not have to use that crappy "pointing device" on the laptop so much.

I have plans to add a "tile setting mode" option that switches between the usual double-click to set rectangles of tiles and just clicking a square on the grid to set the tile. It should be feasible. Would use guys appreciate that feature?
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Monday, January 12 2009, 11:30 pm EST

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I might use that feature. You should make shortcut keys for all the tiles. Like, instead of scrolling all the way up for terrain, I could just click X on the keyboard.

And you should also make an option that will automatically put that border around people's codes. It should be off by default, of course...
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Tuesday, January 13 2009, 11:47 am EST

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That's an interesting idea... Enter is gone (probably for good), but if you wanna warp down the screen, I might be able to do it... But, I'm not sure. Like, I could probably make it -fairly- easily (the only hard part is calculating what the new scroll position should be -- I've done it before, though), but I'm not sure how that would work with other shortcuts, like, ctrl+z. If you release ctrl slightly before z, you might end up scrolling to secret area. I haven't tested it, so I'm not sure, but it sounds like an awful low of monotony headed my way, for something that might not work right...
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Tuesday, January 13 2009, 11:57 am EST
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Damn no more Enter. Loved it

Why the need for a Ctrl? Just use Alt?

Also, Ctrl+W would close the window (though it will ask if you want to save), so using Ctrl at all would be too risky.
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Tuesday, January 13 2009, 12:01 pm EST

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No, I'm not saying you'd hit control to change the tile selection. I'd imagine you'd just hit the letter, sans ctrl and sans alt. The problem could arise from using ctrl+z... You know what, I'm gonna do a test real fast and see what happens.

EDIT: The bug occurs as I predicted. If I press ctrl+z (for undo), after releasing ctrl slightly before releasing z (which you would imaging would happen about 50% of the time, if you attempt to release both buttons simultaneously), the tile select table would scroll to secret area.

And you were actually using enter to set tiles?
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Tuesday, January 13 2009, 12:36 pm EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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If you were to use Alt instead of Ctrl it should be smoother.

Yeah, Enter rocks on a laptop. Enter->Down->Enter->Right->Enter->Right and so on.
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Tuesday, January 13 2009, 3:11 pm EST

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I would completely use the single click thing. Having to double click all the time can get annoying.

spooky secret
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Tuesday, January 13 2009, 3:28 pm EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

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I'd purely use the keyboard. It's much faster.


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