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[?] Karma: +2 | Quote - Link
Monday, September 25 2017, 3:38 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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A veritable flood of changes!

Play HATPCR Alpha 0.5.0: http://droidfreak36.com/HATPC/0_5_0/

Play newest HATPCR version: http://droidfreak36.com/HATPC/reborn.php

View list of changelogs: http://www.interguild.org/games/?game=70

* Added water taps ("t") water tap crates ("!") and water crates ("@")
   * Water taps function by cascading waterfall and filler objects
     * Waterfalls fall downwards and create a filler when they hit the ground
       * Unlike HATPC waterfalls, left and right variants can exist in the same column
       * They flow downwards at one tile per tick for each tap flowing into them
     * Fillers fill in water at the top of the connected region of water and generate waterfalls when they flow off of edges
       * They fill 1/16th of a tile per tick for each tap flowing into them
       * Taps fill one unit every tick
       * Water crates fill 300 units from each tap in the level over 60 ticks (1 second) when broken (this is roughly the same as the amount HATPC water crates generate because there are twice as many units per tile)
         * Breaking multiple water crates at once extends duration of extra flow, still at 5 units/tick
       * If a filler flows off of multiple edges at once, it divides its flow between the two (or more) waterfalls
     * Waterfalls and fillers in the same tile (and the same side, for waterfalls) will automatically merge
   * Water that flows out of the level on any side is drained (disabling the tap)
   * Water taps will also stop flowing if the level is full
   * Water tap crates disable taps by existing in a level, but taps are re-enabled when you break one of them, as in HATPC.
   * Water taps' waterfall will automatically display on the side with a terrain on it if one is available.
   * Water crates and water tap crates are destructible by arrows and dynamite but have collision type -1 like treasures, so they don't knockback Hannah
* Added a water() event parameter
   * Usage: water(x, y, level)
     * x, y - position in the cave to test
     * level - the parameter is true if the water in that tile is greater than or equal to this level (water levels is 0-16 where 0 is no water and 16 is completely full
   * If you wish to trigger an event when an area is not yet flooded, use $nop() and $id(not) to invert the parameter.
* Added levels: tutorial 6, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 17, 18
* Flying dynamite now penetrates deeper into tiles it collides with before exploding. This makes Hannah survive triggering dynamite crates that would have killed her previously (like in level 8)
* Falling objects are now destroyed by explosions. A couple of levels have been edited to account for that
* Added a "Reborn" splash to the title screen
* Camera now syncs its framerate to the game when in slowmo, which should make the game look smoother
* Volume setting now defaults to 0.5 (50%) instead of 50 (5000%) for new cookies
* Fixed a bug that caused the id(exact) parameter (and probably some other id() types) to not be saved correctly by the checkpoint they trigger
* Fixed a bug that caused falling blocks to crush Hannah when she was next to them if she was floating in water
* Fixed some bugs with Hannah's interaction with level edges

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Monday, September 25 2017, 11:23 am EST
God wishes he was me

Age: 22
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boi, nice. Giving it a try now

EDIT: Yeah, it's not really working that well, keeps getting a 502 error

Can you feel your heart burning?
Can you feel the struggle within?
The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make, you cannot kill me in a way that matters
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Monday, September 25 2017, 1:06 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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'Rocket Guy2' said:
Yeah, it's not really working that well, keeps getting a 502 error

Yeah, it might be time to replace my web host.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Tuesday, September 26 2017, 10:10 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Migration to Dreamhost is now complete according to Google's DNS servers ( and So droidfreak36.com should be a lot less flaky now. Also, it now prepends "www." to the domain name because CloudFlare requires it and HTTPS is supported.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Tuesday, September 26 2017, 6:45 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Loading user levels when HATPCR is running in HTTPS seems to hang it. Probably because it's attempting to access a page via HTTP instead of HTTPS. I'll look into fixing that in the next version, and if it works, I'll make HATPCR default to HTTPS.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Tuesday, September 26 2017, 6:46 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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Side note, how come the Interguild doesn't default to HTTPS despite the fact that it stores passwords? Seems a little insecure to me.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: +4 | Quote - Link
Tuesday, September 26 2017, 7:59 pm EST

Age: 35
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Don't reuse your Interguild password anywhere important is all I can say.
You gotta understand, Neopets lost all our passwords in plaintext already.
The least I can say is I don't believe we store in plain... but this site was coded by 16-year-olds.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Tuesday, September 26 2017, 9:37 pm EST
Apocryphal Ruminator

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Thomas claimed at some point to have a list of every Interguild member's password. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that were true.

'jellsprout' said:
As a kid I always thought tennisballs looked delicious and I liked biting them. I still remember the feel of the fuzz on my teeth and tongue.
[?] Karma: +1 | Quote - Link
Tuesday, September 26 2017, 11:25 pm EST
sea level change

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They are stored in plaintext, I've seen the file myself.

"Time is a circuit, not a line; cybernetics instantiates templexity."

[?] Karma: +1 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 3:02 am EST

Age: 35
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I would have guessed that they were encrypted in a way so outdated that it's little better than no encryption at all.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 6:05 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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So, atrocious security practices and 502 errors aside, what do you guys think of my flowing water mechanics? XD

Also, IDK if you guys caught this, but those chaotic caves densely packed with dynamite and platforms should be much easier to complete now because of the change to flying dynamite. Hannah no longer dies from triggering a wooden dynamite crate that immediately hits something. I needed to do that to make level 8 work.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 6:57 am EST

Age: 35
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The taps themselves seemed to work well from what I tried. The water crates I would say filled a bit slow and gave off less water when compared to HATPC. I tried The Cascades lol but it doesn't work well. That said my computer can't really keep up with Reborn and it's a bit worse than usual on tap levels.

Drains, when?
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 9:38 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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How much slower/less are the water crates than before? I basically just doubled the amount of water they gave off from the description here (147 -> 300) to account for the increased number of "bits" per tile, so it should be almost exactly the same amount if that number is correct.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 9:40 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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I might add drains fairly soon, IDK. I'm also planning on doing a lot of refactoring soon, so that might improve performance.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 10:30 am EST
God wishes he was me

Age: 22
Karma: 38
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Location: Clinging to the last whispers of life in my decaying body
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Terrain types are broken, it only shows terrain 1

Can you feel your heart burning?
Can you feel the struggle within?
The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make, you cannot kill me in a way that matters
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 3:32 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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They appear to be working to me. In what context are they not working?

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 4:52 pm EST
No. I'm an octopus.

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died just after this checkpoint was reached, this frame is static, game hangs

other than that im terribly excited about having all base levels completed! well done.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, September 27 2017, 11:18 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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Hopefully the refactoring I'm planning to do will cut down on the likelihood of hangs like that. We'll see.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
aych bee
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Friday, September 29 2017, 6:46 pm EST
when i am king

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lol, my interguild password was literally asdfqwer for 4 years...

[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Friday, September 29 2017, 7:33 pm EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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'aych bee' said:
lol, my interguild password was literally asdfqwer for 4 years...

Well, that's better than having your IG password be a secure one you use on important accounts, right?

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Saturday, September 30 2017, 7:10 am EST
HATPC Reborn Dev

Age: 30
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Location: droidfreak36.com
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Known bug created by the migration to Dreamhost: CloudFlare's "__cfdruid" cookie may interfere with the loading of HATPCR's "hatpcr" cookie. That will be addressed in the next update.

Also, cookies were unintentionally reset by the migration because the URL changed from droidfreak36.com to www.droidfreak36.com (again due to a CloudFlare requirement). That I can't fix, so if you want to re-unlock all the levels, go to http://www.droidfreak36.com/HATPC/bake.php?cookie=99 to unlock them all in the new cookie.

Rictory for Ralkyon!

HATPC Reborn home page

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