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Tips for round winners:

If you don't have a great idea when you learn that it is your turn, don't just make a round that you don't even think is good. Try to think to come up with a good idea for a round, and then if you can't, then make a round that you don't even think is good.

Also you're encouraged to start the round in this format: "You have one post to [what you have one post to do goes here]"

Additionally don't end the round early. Rounds should be at least close to a day long. If you started the round at night, you can't end it tomorrow morning. If you started it in the morning, you shouldn't end it before you go to bed.

The people running rounds are ideally supposed to judge approximately 24 hours after they start the round, but from now on if they haven't judged after 30 hours (6 hours late) then anyone is allowed to start a round between rounds, like the guess when Livio will start the next round, guess how many dogs shos has, ect.

You're also allowed to do this if the round has been judged within 30 hours, but the next guy hasn't started their round within 12 hours of the other round being judged.

The catch is of course that the round could end at any time, because these rounds last until the current round is judged and the next round begins.
You may judge rounds however you'd like, but at the end of the round there can only be one winner.

These rounds will be marked as ".5"s in the previous rounds and winners

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Thursday, December 1 2011, 9:21 am EST

Age: 24
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One day Livio teams up with someone else to create Interguild.

Another day Haily creates Icecaves.

True stories!
Shavey Dave
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Thursday, December 1 2011, 1:08 pm EST

Age: 23
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There once lived a brave and fierce warrior - from the mist of time they say - called Livio. Livio was the master of the Interguild. A secret guild west of Osaka in Japan. But one day the location was discovered... by... ICECAVES. The Interguilds rival guild - a system of twisting icy caves south of the North pole. They were ambushed and robed most of them killed... but Livio was a surviver. He vowed Haily, the master of Icecaves would pay.

Two years later he had not forgoten his vow and set out with his sidekick Jebby to demolish Haily. He had fled from his base after he saw them coming but Livio was not stumped. The warriors ran after their enemy, Livio persesing the Inter sword and Jebby persesing the golden dragon sword of Nokaano. Eventually they found him... with... the evil Spam sword. Jebby ran at Haily with rage burning in his stomach and swung his sword in the air! "You WILL die!" He screamed.
"Stop!" Livio cried as he saw the Spam sword rise above his sidekicks head. It cut through the air at light speed and landed on Jebby's collar bone. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" he shouted in pain. Haily smiled and sliced the sword clean through  Jebby's neck. "Noooooooooo!" Livio screamed angrily as he charged at his rival. "I will kill you!" Haily's smile was even bigger now that Livio was blinded with rage.

The Inter sword colided with the Spam sword sending the fighters stumbling backwards. "It is you who will die." Haily said in a stern voice as he made a deep gash in Livio's side. Livio winced in pain and bit his lip swinging his sword at Haily's ankles, knocking him to the floor. No! It is YOU!" He bellowed. He kicked the sword from Haily's had and rose his own. "Die" He said more quitely now as he chopped Haily's head off. Just like he had done to Jebby.

He paused and stared at the two body's. He picked up Jebby's sword. "I'll take this back with me." He said to himself. As he arrived back at the Interguild he gave the good and bad news, although he felt guilty that he had such bad news to deliver so felt the bad news swamped the news that was good.

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Thursday, December 1 2011, 1:52 pm EST
I am a wise goat

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Thomas can you make this round last slightly longer? As I am writing a long story, but it's taking a while. :/
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Thursday, December 1 2011, 7:17 pm EST
the clique shall prevail

Karma: 111
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Okay I will judge tomorrow night IG time or maybe my time.
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Thursday, December 1 2011, 7:48 pm EST
~Jack of all trades~

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When my sister and I were babies my dad always said that we were mirror twins but nobody would listen. As we were growing up it became clear that we were (mirror-image twins); I am right handed and my sister is left handed and our cowlicks go in opposite directions. We can always finish off each others sentences and know what the other is thinking. When we were in school we shared the same classes up until a certain time when the school decided to separate us and we never did any work until they reunited us. When we went to higher school we were in different tutor groups but classes were put in to levels and my sister and I were put in the same leveled classes.

When I was 15 years old I had to have an operation on my tummy, which she (my twin) didn't know about; when my mum called her from the hospital she had the pain too. She had the same operation exactly a year after I had mine and I felt her pain too. We always know when the other is in trouble or hurt and she's the best friend that anyone could have. We worked together a few times as waitresses and she would serve one person and then I would go and ask the same person the same thing and everyone always mistook one for the other.

Sian - 19 year old mirror-image twin from UK

This story is the story of the De La Cruz family from the US. the names and locations have been changed for privacy reasons. The real place is Arizona, US; and the real names are Livia and Hay-lee. These two sisters are now 19, and have gone through a serious gender-changing surgery attempt.

This article has been posted a while ago in one of the main news sites. It's been a while since; and Livia decided she could no longer take the process; she's a woman and will always be girly.! and when she said that out loud - her sister - or brother - more like a sister in my opinion - decided that life was too cruel for her; how could her sister do this to her? have her go thorugh that dangerous operation, and then coward out, leaving her in such an ugly form?!

The story was then published, when Livia sued the surgeons for extremely stupid reasoning. "It's over 9000!!" she said, and the judges had no idea what she was talking about. She was then put in a mental hospital, and has been there ever since. The mental control pills have caused her to look alittle different too. They magnified the male hormones she had taken; and now she's a medical miracle - for surviving more than 2.5 hours(medical records show that if that number is counted in seconds, it is critical). And now...

[?] Karma: +2 | Quote - Link
Friday, December 2 2011, 11:56 am EST
I am a wise goat

Age: 25
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It landed silently, its wings flapping slowly in the cool night air. It was silent in the park, and the huge beast was unobserved. It nestled down on a bed of leaves, the only sound a faint rustling of leaves, which anyone who heard would regard as just leaves in the wind. Hidden behind tall trees it fell asleep.

Livio was out walking. He often went for a walk in the park in the morning. This morning the air was partiually crisp and fresh. He heard a huge crashing, and turned to see whole trees toppled. Before he could even cry out he felt himself flying into the air, huge talons slicing into his shoulders, wind wipping into his face...

Haily new something was wrong when Livio was not home in time for waffles. Livio never missed his waffles. He set out to the park and was greeted by the felled trees. He thought about it and decided to ask the cheif of police to help him search. He headed for the police station in the center of town, cold, crisp wind blasting him in the face. He looked up at the large grey building, it looked colder than outside. He shivered and stepped through the large wood doors.

A small, musty reception room greeted him. No one seemed to be in. He saw a very dusty sign saying tht cheifs ofice was upstairs, and headed up the stairs, avoiding worryingly dark holes in the staircase. Uspstairs was very dusty room, with a large, dusty leather chair behind a desk. He examined the papers on the desk, they where all dusty. Ther first date was "2nd January 2006" odd, thats been there a while. As he shifted through the papers, he realised "This room hasn't been used as an office for ages" He placed the dusty paper back on the table. It was then he realised what was behind the desk.

A large rusty cage was in a prominent place in front of a large smashed window. Haily shivered, that was where the draft was coming from. He began to inspect the cage, it was dented and buckled in many places, like a large thing had smashed into it with force, the door was smashed off its hinges, the smashed window beyond the buckled metal. He headed back down, and found two policemen. He then decided to ask where the cheif was "Where is the cheif?" he said. "In his office I presume, he is always in his office." said the first cop. "No I was just up there and it doesnt seem to have been used for years!" said Haily "and there is a huge cage for some reason." "A what? Look we'll come up with you, come on Brian" said the first cop, "My name's Eddie by the way."

"Cheif!" called Eddie. "I told you he's not in there!" said Haily, "It looks like no-one's been there for years!" The three of them entered the room. "Dusty" chocked Brian. "See what you mean about the cage" said Eddie "No idea what thats for, nor where the cheif has gone every time he has gone up here..." He began to search the room. "Hey! over here!" shouted Brian, "I found something!" A shiny metal hatch greeted them in the floor, this clearly had been used  recently. "I guess we should go down?" suggested Haily. "Sure kid, sure." replied Brian, and he lifted the hatch, its recently oiled hinges sliding open with ease. A ladder desended into darkness. "Well, I'll lead the way" said Eddie, and he slid into the small gap carefully. "Wish me luck!" he joked before desending the ladder.

Haily was the last to drop down, they where in a dingy, badly lit room, with a large set of doors at one end. They headed towards the large doors and they slid open, guards rushed out the other side. Haily slid along the floor and lept up bringing his fists into the man's chin, he fell over unconsious, blood forming a pool aroung his mouth. Eddie swung his lef round sweeping the other guard off his feet, he hit his head hard, then Brian kicked him in the head. He was also unconsious. Haily stole the first guards security tag and opened the next set of doors, what greeted him on the other side was not what he expected...

A huge lab sprawled out in front of him, in the middle sat a slightly fat man, stroking a small animal. His face told them they where not wanted. "Cheif!" cried Brian "what is this place?" "SHUT UP!" shouted the cheif. "You where not supposed to find this place, and who are you young man?" "Why does it matter to you?" said Haily. "Ohh, a little bit of fight in this one! Don't worry, I already know who you are Haily." said the cheif patronisingly. "What's the broken cage for, and the smashed window, how did that happen?" shouted Haily. "The what? The cage? Chestnut has escaped?" Replied the cheif. "Go get 'em my little baby!" A small bird flew at Haily, but wait it wasn't a bird...

"You've already guessed haven't you?" Replied the chief mockingly "It's my very own pterosaur! Straight from the cretatious!" "How?!" cried Brian as he franticaly defended himself from the beak. "Glad you ask, well It all started when I found two eggs preserved in amber, and they hatched after I nurtered them, The two pterosaurs then made baby over there! Unfortuantly daddy die so now only mummy Chesnut remains." said the chief. "What a fully grown pterosaur is on the lose??!" shouted Haily. "Quite possiably, yes," replied the chief.

Brian gave a triumphant shout as he knocked the baby pterosuar to the floor. He then stammped on it's head, spraying the white floor with red blood. "Noo!" screamed the chief. He then controlled himself, and his dismay was instantly hidden. "It's not me you have to worry about" he said with an irritating smirk, "If Chesnut is on the lose, then just about now..." A huge smash cut off his sentance. A huge brown pterosaur landed in the lab, It's crest glowing a vibrant red. It was angry. It threw a body across the room, and then picked up a helpless Brian in it's beak. It swallowed him whole. "Nooooo..." Eddie trailed off, his greif turning to anger. He turned to face the chief. "What have you done?" he said with a snarl. "Not me, your friend killed little baby and now you're all going to pay the price!" Said the chief, "Right I'm off, this will be entertaining..." He then headed to some stairs on the other side of the room.

"No," said Haily "we have more pressing needs like staying alive." He could see the rage, and how much Eddie wanted to follow the chief. "Later," said Haily. The pterosaur now was focusing on Eddie and him. It lunged, only to be stopped, it's headcaught in the grip of the grabber of a vehicle from the other side of the room. It squeesed and the pterosuars head burst open, the huge body fell to the floor. "Thought you might need some help!" said Livio as he jumped out the vehicle. He was in a bad state, his clothes were soaked with blood around his shoulders and he looked in pain. "Livio!" cried Haily, he had forgotten about why he came here in the first place!

"Good to see you too!" laughed Livio. "We need to find the chief," said Eddie. The three headed in the way the chief went, but he was not to be found, they checked a dusty viewing room, and found a secret tunnel. "He could be anywhere by now," said Haily "We have to leave him." Eddie bit his bottom lip and grudgingly agreed. He thanked Haily for bringing the problem to his attention, and Livio for saving them from the pterosuar. "I will escort you out, but as the new chief of police I have jobs to do. Namely cleaning up that office!" said Eddie.

Later that day Haily and Livio were back home. "What actually happened to you this morning?" asked Haily. "You know what, I was going to ask the same about you!" laughed Livio, and then winced in pain due to his shoulders. "Well it's certainly been an eventful day, but it's nice to be home!" said Haily.
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Saturday, December 3 2011, 5:50 pm EST

Age: 31
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Location: Arizona, USA
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'Quirvy' said:
You have one post to complete the following sentence:

The worst feeling ever is when ___________________.
'Livio' said:
The worst feeling ever is whenever.
'Quirvy' said:
Livio, I have nothing to say to you. Actually that's a lie, What was that? 0/10.
I was trying to complete the sentence with as few characters as possible. I guess people didn't think it was a complete sentence?

I don't really have any cool stories to share, but I do find it funny how no one has gotten any karma for this round yet.

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Saturday, December 3 2011, 7:11 pm EST
the clique shall prevail

Karma: 111
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'Cedric_09_' said:
One day Livio teams up with someone else to create Interguild.

Another day Haily creates Icecaves.

True stories!
-10/10 IceCaves came first.

'Shavey Dave' said:
There once lived a brave and fierce warrior - from the mist of time they say - called Livio. Livio was the master of the Interguild. A secret guild west of Osaka in Japan. But one day the location was discovered... by... ICECAVES. The Interguilds rival guild - a system of twisting icy caves south of the North pole. They were ambushed and robed most of them killed... but Livio was a surviver. He vowed Haily, the master of Icecaves would pay.

Two years later he had not forgoten his vow and set out with his sidekick Jebby to demolish Haily. He had fled from his base after he saw them coming but Livio was not stumped. The warriors ran after their enemy, Livio persesing the Inter sword and Jebby persesing the golden dragon sword of Nokaano. Eventually they found him... with... the evil Spam sword. Jebby ran at Haily with rage burning in his stomach and swung his sword in the air! "You WILL die!" He screamed.
"Stop!" Livio cried as he saw the Spam sword rise above his sidekicks head. It cut through the air at light speed and landed on Jebby's collar bone. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" he shouted in pain. Haily smiled and sliced the sword clean through  Jebby's neck. "Noooooooooo!" Livio screamed angrily as he charged at his rival. "I will kill you!" Haily's smile was even bigger now that Livio was blinded with rage.

The Inter sword colided with the Spam sword sending the fighters stumbling backwards. "It is you who will die." Haily said in a stern voice as he made a deep gash in Livio's side. Livio winced in pain and bit his lip swinging his sword at Haily's ankles, knocking him to the floor. No! It is YOU!" He bellowed. He kicked the sword from Haily's had and rose his own. "Die" He said more quitely now as he chopped Haily's head off. Just like he had done to Jebby.

He paused and stared at the two body's. He picked up Jebby's sword. "I'll take this back with me." He said to himself. As he arrived back at the Interguild he gave the good and bad news, although he felt guilty that he had such bad news to deliver so felt the bad news swamped the news that was good.
6/10 I don't think Livio would be very keen on killing Haily and same goes for Haily.

'shos' said:

This article has been posted a while ago in one of the main news sites. It's been a while since; and Livia decided she could no longer take the process; she's a woman and will always be girly.! and when she said that out loud - her sister - or brother - more like a sister in my opinion - decided that life was too cruel for her; how could her sister do this to her? have her go thorugh that dangerous operation, and then coward out, leaving her in such an ugly form?!

The story was then published, when Livia sued the surgeons for extremely stupid reasoning. "It's over 9000!!" she said, and the judges had no idea what she was talking about. She was then put in a mental hospital, and has been there ever since. The mental control pills have caused her to look alittle different too. They magnified the male hormones she had taken; and now she's a medical miracle - for surviving more than 2.5 hours(medical records show that if that number is counted in seconds, it is critical). And now...
5/10 I don't see the point on changing Haily to Hay-Lee because Haily is already a girls name.

'Yuggy' said:
8/10 Good story. Minus 2 points for spelling errors.

Shavey Dave
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Sunday, December 4 2011, 3:01 am EST

Age: 23
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Yeah, I don't think Livio would be keen on killing Haily or vice virsa either but it was a fantasy story so... I decided to make them rivals.      

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Sunday, December 4 2011, 3:32 am EST
I am a wise goat

Age: 25
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You have one post to tell me, where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?
Shavey Dave
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Sunday, December 4 2011, 3:43 am EST

Age: 23
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I would go to the  biggest Ryuku island in Japan. The Ryuku islands are some of the most beautifull places on earth and have a great culture. Also Karate came from the Ryuku islands. As part of the Ryuku islands they have houses and markets floating on the water and it would be a very different to were I live and therefore a very interesting place to go.  

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Sunday, December 4 2011, 7:11 am EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

Karma: -2147482799
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Antarctica. To wrestle penguins and be the first person to vote on several polls from Antarctica.

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Sunday, December 4 2011, 9:59 am EST
~Jack of all trades~

Age: 31
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my gf's army base this way, I'll see her 11 days out of 14, and not 3

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Sunday, December 4 2011, 11:52 am EST

Age: 24
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Para, para, paradise.

Florida! (I consider that place paradise.)
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Sunday, December 4 2011, 12:44 pm EST

Karma: 450
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shos has a girlfriend? o.o

anyways... i'd go to australia.
it's summer there. and it's cool.

'Livio' said:
You know, I was thinking of getting an internship at Microsoft, but I'm not sure I want their lameness to rub off on me.
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Sunday, December 4 2011, 1:08 pm EST

Age: 29
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The outer core, I guess./pun

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
Give me +karma. Give me +karma.
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Monday, December 5 2011, 1:12 am EST

Age: 28
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I wanna go to the Candy Mountain.  Come with me, Yuggy...

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Monday, December 5 2011, 11:25 am EST

Age: 25
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'Bmwsu' said:
I wanna go to the Candy Mountain.  Come with me, Yuggy...

That's even funnier because his real name is Charlie, lol.

Anyway, I'd go to Antarctica.
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Monday, December 5 2011, 1:00 pm EST
I am a wise goat

Age: 25
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'Shavey Dave' said:
I would go to the  biggest Ryuku island in Japan. The Ryuku islands are some of the most beautifull places on earth and have a great culture. Also Karate came from the Ryuku islands. As part of the Ryuku islands they have houses and markets floating on the water and it would be a very different to were I live and therefore a very interesting place to go.  
Sounds nice! 8/10
'jellsprout' said:
Antarctica. To wrestle penguins and be the first person to vote on several polls from Antarctica.
Now wrestling penguins...

'shos' said:
my gf's army base this way, I'll see her 11 days out of 14, and not 3
Sounds great! 8/10
'Cedric_09_' said:
Para, para, paradise.

Florida! (I consider that place paradise.)
It's pretty nice there! 8/10
'soccerboy13542' said:

i'd go to australia.
it's summer there. and it's cool.
So am I
Yeah that would be nice, Christmas barbecue anyone? 8/10

'Yaya' said:
The outer core, I guess./pun
Haha, not very funny though. 6/10
'Bmwsu' said:
I wanna go to the Candy Mountain.  Come with me, Yuggy...
Believe me, I've heard that enough. 8/10
'FlashMarsh' said:
That's even funnier because his real name is Charlie, lol.

'FlashMarsh' said:
Anyway, I'd go to Antarctica.
That's been said and I also asked why. 7/10

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Tuesday, December 6 2011, 2:24 am EST
Lord of Sprout Tower

Karma: -2147482799
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You have one post to complete the following sentence:

When I think of TNT, ...

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Tuesday, December 6 2011, 2:29 am EST

Karma: 121
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I think of EPIC FAILURE.
Shavey Dave
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Tuesday, December 6 2011, 3:08 am EST

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I think of a square orange block with a white band around that says TNT In blocky square letters.

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Tuesday, December 6 2011, 5:47 am EST
~Jack of all trades~

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I get seriously mad. I mean, come on, it's not my fault, all that stuff that happened - why isn't there a nobel prize for math?!?!

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Tuesday, December 6 2011, 1:24 pm EST
I am a wise goat

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I think of stupid misuse of a great game.
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Tuesday, December 6 2011, 1:56 pm EST

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I think of adverts.

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